"About You"


Create a T-Shirt "About You" using Microsoft PowerPoint. Your T-Shirt must include graphics that describe you. See my example. See Rubric.


  1. Open the T-Shirt template located in ClearyWork (Z) >> ClearyData. Or, download this PowerPoint
  2. Find at least 20 photos/graphics or more that describe you (hobbies, school, sports, animals, music, etc.) and copy them to your T-Shirt.
  3. Crop and edit graphics as needed
  4. Add your name on the very top of t-shirt
  5. Add what your name means under your name
  6. Present your T-Shirt to the class


  1. Your T-Shirt must tell me about you
  2. Must have at least 20 photos
  3. Must include your name at top of slide & what your name means
  4. Graphics must be relevant and "G" rated (no guns, weapons, etc.)
  5. Use good presentation skills - See below
  6. Have a great introduction sentence

Rubric to review
