1. |
Change the margins of the document to .5" for left, right, top, and bottom. |
2. |
Change the title to a 30-point San-Serif font of your choice (font without feet). |
3. |
Highlight the row that begins with "Work's Tough."
- Add a numbered list to the item.
- Change the font to a Serif font (with feet), with a point size large enough to read from a distance.
- Add a minimum of a 24-point after paragraph space to the item.
4. |
Use the format painter to copy the formatting from the first line that begins with "Work Tough" to other lines of the document. |
5. |
Add an appropriate clipart to the document. Apply square text wrapping. |
6. |
Adjust spacing of items so that the content fills and fits on one page (may need to increase the font size). Change the hanging-indent of the numbered items if all sentences do not line up. |
7. |
Add your name, filename/path, and date in a footer. Save to your network folder. Show me a copy to grade. |