Bucket List

A movie starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, entitled 'The Bucket List' explores the issue of what a person would do if he or she was confronted with the fact that he/she had only a short time to live.  Assuming you were in this situation, come up with ten things you would want to do if you had only a short time left. Make your list in Microsoft Word and then illustrate (add clip art or pictures) all ten of them. 

This time when doing a list with pictures, use a table:

  • Add a title

  • Insert a table - 2 columns (you can move center line to the left) and 10 rows.

Mrs. Cleary's Bucket List:

  1. Travel around Europe on a train
  2. Go to Ireland to visit
  3. Go to Spain
  4. Hike 20 miles
  5. Go on a retreat to a 3rd world country
  6. Run a marathon
  7. Have a cottage in the UP
  8. Hike the Grand Canyon
  9. Eat at a 5 star restaurant
  10. Ski in Switzerland

Bucket List