

Property Tax

Step One - Go through vocabulary words - and these vocabulary words

Step Two - Property Taxes - When you own property (homes) you are required to pay taxes on it. Every year local governments do their budgets and determine how much property taxes revenue they will need to cover their costs.

Check out how high the property taxes are in different states

Read this article at wikiHow and complete Section One of this worksheet

Find out what the value of your house is?

Review PowerPoint Presentation

Complete Section Two of this worksheet.

Review the vocabulary for Property Tax using quizlet

State and Federal Unemployment Tax

Step Three - Figure state unemployment taxes worksheet

Federal Income Tax

Step Four - Do you Need to File a Tax Return?
Go to Explain if you need to file a tax return this year in this form.  

Step Five - Complete the 1040EZ

Go to

  1. Click on Wage and Tip Income
  2. Click on “Simulation 2: Using  your W-2 to File Your 1040EZ.”  Go through slides 1-12. 
  3. Complete the Assessment: Wage and Tip Income.
  4. What was your score? ____________

Practice completing a 1040 using the form and instructional booklet

State Income Tax

Step Seven - Complete the MI-1040 form and instructions

Review your Federal & State vocabulary words

Update Portfolio

Step Eight - Update your own personal portfolio - see Mrs. Cleary's

Do Your Own Taxes


Review Taxes Presentation

Step Nine - Assessment (Do your own 2017 State and Federal taxes & figure your property tax) & Vocabulary